Is there something wrong

Every time someone says the walking dead I assume they are referring to this masterpiece but they all refer to the God awful AMC TV series is there something wrong with my tastes.



I don't think it's your taste; I like my taste, and I love this moody and evocative 1936 classic.

But it's now 80 years later, and there's at least two generations of viewers who only know of the TV series that co-opted it's name from a Karloff film they've probably never heard of, and probably wouldn't appreciate.

It's just the march of time, and the best we can do is keep the tread marks of it's boots off our backsides.


I love Boris Karloff films as well as the AMC show. I'm 16. I kind of felt the same way when people watched 21 Jump Street and didn't know it was based upon a TV show.


There's nothing wrong with your taste in entertainment. It's a fine movie and Karloff was always compelling in any role. The TV show of the same name started off well, but it's starting to show its age now, running out of ideas to keep the viewer interested, and descending into hokey melodrama.
