
I'm assuming one of these characters is The Boss's wife. But who is the other one?


Thanks to my new DVD box set, which has a "might have been" version on disc 2 using stills and lines from deleted/unfilmed script, this now becomes much clearer.

Roxana is Rudolph the Boss's wife/lady. Rowena was originally in the 2036 section and turns out to be Oswald Cabal's ex-wife and mother of Catherine Cabal, albeit with no contact for years.

A lot of Magaretta Scott's excellent performance (and remember she was only 24 at the time) ended up being cut out. Shame. There's parts of the scene between Roxana and John Cabal missing that shed far more light on Roxana's character.


Thanks so much for the info. Damn, she was one mature sounding 24 year old!


And if you happen to read the script which someone gave a link to in another thread, there it is explained that Rowena is also a distant relative of Roxana without the "sluttyness."


When she (Margaretta Scott) was on screen, I couldn't take my eyes off her.


I thought her scene with Massey was bravura. A master (or is that mater) class on negotiating from a position of weakness while feigning strength.

Marlon, Claudia and Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007 and 2010.
