Technocracy = Utopia?

Somehow I get the feeling that the main message of the movie is that a technocratic society run by scientists and engineers would be a utopia. This is very idealistic but i suppose it was a popular movement at the time because of the apparent failures of democracy with WWI and the Great Depression.

"Surrender Dorothy!"



I agree. There was no Soviet Union yet so the world didn't get proof that science and technological progress in no way means a happy and justice oriented society.


What in the world are you talking about? Of course there was a Soviet Union when the book was published and the movie was released. Don't you check your facts before posting hogwash like that?

The rest is pompous rubbish, like Cedric Hardwicke was spouting in the movie.


Did they call themselves Soviets before they captured the Baltic states in WW2? I didn't know. Anyway, they did not have a space program, a nuclear bomb, some computers, submarines etc. Things that a only an enlightened technocratic society can develop that in the HG Wells view should have shed those primitive urges to dominate and rule by force.
