Last Words

Edmond Lowe was 46 when Doomed Cargo (Seven Sinners) was released. The average lifespan of an American male was 59 in 1935 ( Mr. Lowe was a smoker, he smoked cigarettes in the film, whether scripted or personal choice we don't know, but his cause of death was lung cancer. Smokers would statistically have shorter life spans than non smokers.
At 46 he would have been well into middle age by 1935 standards. In reality, he beat the actuaries living to 80.
Back to that final scene, which tied a happy ribbon onto the picture. Playing a happy couple Lowe and his main squeeze, in the picture, Constance Commings, stand before the Vicar (John Harcount) to announce that their children are insistent they marry. Folks this was a humorous line, not quite common as today in 2016 for a couple having 2 or more children without benefit of marriage.
The Vicar gets the final two lines, "Oh, you YOUNG people, Oh you YOUNG people".
