MovieChat Forums > San Francisco (1936) Discussion > 100 year anniversary...where is every...

100 year anniversary...where is everybody?

Just watched this movie totally at random on the 100th anniversary to the day of the tragic disaster. I can't believe this board is not flooded with more posters (especially from SF) and this great film is not in the public consciousness. It has megawatt star power (Clark Gable anyone?) and phenomenal sets and special effects. I guess San Franciscans care more whether Barry Bonds juiced up or not.


i agree with you! i took me til now to see the film, but it was worth it, and as a native san franciscan, i would have enjoyed seeing it on the anniversay! too bad that no one knows this film anymore (as you say, too busy with Bonds and dot coms)


Not me! It is one of my favourites and I watch it every now and again, and my grandkids have to sit it out with me! I love it, THAT song is just Fabulous. Who wrote the song and what else did they write? anyone know?


Before Clark Gable died, he punched everyone and knocked them all out, so thats why no one is talking about this movie as much.


I am a native San Franciscan (although I haven't lived there in about 15 years), and all native San Franciscans (as well as many who adopt the city as their home, I'm sure) have a very strong consciousness of the 1906 Earthquake as perhaps the most important single event in the City's history and of how strongly it influenced the City's later development and resident's common bond toward the city. About Barry Bonds I couldn't care a straw. I don't know about now, as I don't live there anymore, but when I was growing up, the public was always very aware of the April 18 anniversary, the film "San Francisco" was played on local TV every year on that date, Jeanette MacDonald's immortal verson of the song, "San Francisco", could be played in Jukeboxes in many cafes and restaurants throughout the City. Every year on April 18, Herb Caen (if you know anything about San Francisco, I don't need to tell you who he is) would write about the anniversary in his column, and tell how the annual meeting of survivors (which he always attended) went. Last year, I heard there was still meeting of survivors, but there must be very few of them at this point (and only persons who were infants at the time).

Well, just to let you know that San Franciscans very well remember and commemorate the event. They fact that we didn't all flood imdb on the date might indicate that we were all busy thinking about the Earthquake and not surfing the net.


There is no place, no city, anywhere in the world like San Francisco. It is unique. It is magical. She can cast her spell on anyone without even trying. You don't even have to be born in The City to be a true San Franciscan. It's always striking when one leaves San Francisco. Life gets a little bit grayer, a bit more mundane. But anyone's that's lived there has had their life enriched immensely.

1906 Earthquake & Fire was the signal event and defining moment of the history of The City. The City that was rebuilt from 1907 onward wasn't the same city though, it had changed fundamentally. It had matured, grown responsible. However; As charming as post-earthquake San Francisco is it's nearly impossible to imagine the bawdy pre-earthquake San Francisco. Never before in the history of the world had such a place existed. There was so much money it ran through the streets. Hotels were built in the most grandiose scale imaginable. One Hotel, The Baldwin, built by 'Lucky' Baldwin, was located at Powell and Market. The fireplace mantles and surrounds in guest rooms were constructed of gold bearing quartz. There were Chinese washerwomen wearing 10 carat diamond rings. The biggest money problem anyone had was where to put it all. Enrico Caruso was in San Francisco during the earthquake and swore never to return in the aftermath. He never did. This movie captures much of the spirit of The City prior to the earthquake.


Who is this Barry Bonds you speak of? It's now the 104th anniversary of the Big One, and I'll be watching this tonight in remembrance.


Huh? Who's Barry Bonds??????

San Francisco's still around. Who, again, was Bonds?

4 years later. Let's see. WE WILL REMEMBER """"BP"""" ...or will we?

SF vs. BP. Which will fade faster????

P.S. I know who Bonds was/is. No need to preach.


This film is very much under the radar. i didnt even knew it existed till i found it in a list of "disaster movies", and even then way down the line. If i werent extensive with the type of movies i like i would have never watched it.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.
