MovieChat Forums > San Francisco (1936) Discussion > No nomination for Gable?

No nomination for Gable?

I can't believe Clark Gable was passed over for an Oscar nomination as Blackie Norton. In my opinion he did an excellent job of bringing out Blackie's character from his clueless attitude towards Mary Blake and her feelings, his grittiness, swagger, competitiveness, but basically a good guy underneath the brashness, to his realization that he loves Mary, "gets" who she is and the importance of commitment only after he goes through the devastating earthquake and he believes he has lost her. He and Spencer Tracy played off each other so well, but Tracy was the only one nominated.


I agree with you.

Tracy should have been nominated for supporting actor, not lead actor.

Gable certainly carried the picture. It is always arbitrary to pick five best actor nominees, but I think Gable deserved one for this role.

He probably didn't get it because he played a "Clark Gable" role, sort of like John Wayne being passed over for Red River and The Searchers because he was playing a "John Wayne" role.
