best disc

I've been looking and have only been able to find Madacy & Laser Light versions of this disc. I don't exactly trust either company, and was wondering if either of the discs are better or worse? Has anybody been able to compare? Or, better yet, does anybody know if there is another version coming out soon? I hope so.


I would go with the madaacy 5 dvd collection. if you pay more than 10 bucks though you got jipped. Plus you get all the his other early films. For a fan like me this is perfect. I don't see them coming out with another version of this.


MGM has plans (but not firmed up yet as to date) to issue this along with some other early Hitchcock films, such as "Young and Innocent."

I would go with LaserLight editions. Madacy usually has a rotten transfer. I have their videotapes and they are fairly low quality with muddled sound. The only thing with Laser Light is you have to put up with introductions by Tony Curtis. Sometimes, they have nothing to do with the picture they introduce, so they are weird in a "it's so bad it's good" kind of way.

No telling how nice the MGM transfers will be. From what I understand, if they use the transfer from a European museum, it should look pretty good. There is a Region 2 disk set that apparently has a great transfer of this picture, or at least the best available.


I have a box set of his early stuff. 5 dvds, 10 movies, including this one and young and innocent, and the early man who knew too much and the lodger, was very cheap, i think my parents got for me at like suncoast. the maker is brentwood home video and distributed by


The region 2 PAL 7-film set released by Concorde in Germany, referred to by JAMessick, currently has the best transfer. Sabotage is among 8 Hitchcock film MGM were due to release in North America in November 2004. They were delayed following the studio's acquisition by Sony and there has been no news since.

Delay of MGM 8-film box set:
The Alfred Hitchcock DVD Information Site compares most DVD releases from around the world:



I'd run with the "Alfred Hitchcock Collection", released in 2006 by Diamond Entertainment. 13 films on 5 DVDs, all of Hitch's early stuff, and each disc has facts & trivia on each movie. They did a nice job cleaning up the audio as well.
Dig it.


Trust me,


I have the Diamond collection as well. I recommend it as well. I don't remember what I paid for it, but it was probably under US$20.

The better known films are:

The Lady Vanishes
The 39 Steps
The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)

