MovieChat Forums > Sabotage (1937) Discussion > Memories of London bombings 07/07/2005 (...

Memories of London bombings 07/07/2005 (spoilers)

The little boy with the parcel that was not meant to explode on a bus reminded me of one of the 4 suicide bombers who on 7th July 2005 took a bus and detonated his bomb on board when he was unable to get into the underground. In fact watching the film and the build-up evoked memories throughout but the bus explosion really brought it home. It was shocking but so well done.

And to head off anyone who wants to tell me the ways in which the two were not similar ... yes I know that's not my point.

An hour isn't an hour but a little bit of eternity in our hands


I have to agree completely. I saw Sabotage for the first time just a year or two after the bombings. Even re-watching it recently, its truly chilling and rips my heart out when I know that scene is coming. Such horrific, real life memories.

