Loosely based on actual events?

There are some similarities between the film and the early career of actress Elissa Landi. In the film, Lombard plays a faux European princess seeking a movie contract.

In 1930, British actress Elissa Landi received a movie contract from Fox after performing in only one Broadway show. There are some controversial reports that Elissa may have been the granddaughter of Empress Elisabeth of Austria.

Elissa's mother, Countess Caroline Landi, wrote a book claiming to be the daughter of Emperor Franz Josef of Austria and Empress Elisabeth. Another book titled "My Years at the Austrian Court" by Nellie Ryan, also said that Caroline was the daughter of the Emperor and Empress. The books are controversial.

Elissa Landi said she wished the accounts of her possible royal ties had never been publicized. She wanted to be judged on her own merits.



How did Emperor Franz Josef and Empress Elisabeth's family lose track of a spare heir? Most royals hang onto theirs. The Russian royals can be excused for being lax on that matter, what with being slaughtered and all. Of course now we have DNA testing it's harder to fake a relationship. In the old days it was great sport to see who Anna Anderson would con next. And every Romanov was a prince. :)
