Lovely Comedy


I Worship The Goddess Amber Tamblyn




It's wonderful but as a Harlow fan, it's not in my top five pictures for her. I personally prefer RED HEADED WOMAN, DINNER AT EIGHT, RED DUST, BOMBSHELL, and HOLD YOUR MAN.

I would put it in my top five Loy with THE THIN MAN, LOVE CRAZY, DOUBLE WEDDING, and THIRD FINGER LEFT HAND.

It's also in my Powell top five with THE THIN MAN, MY MAN GODFREY, LIFE WITH FATHER, and LOVE CRAZY.

I'm not really a fan of Tracy's but a top five for him would be LIBELED LADY, WOMAN OF THE YEAR, ADAM'S RIB, RIFFRAFF (with Harlow), and WITHOUT LOVE.


Yes, really a nice comedy, a little legalistic, which drains some of the fun out, but overall entertaining with a superb cast.

If you don't relate with all four start, then it might depend which of the four principles you root for, to achieve optimal delight from Libeled Lady, but from the perspective that you admire each of its stars, then you are certainly in for a real treat here. Really.
