Mechanical Engineering

Major contributors to the great filmmaking seen here was done by mechanical engineers.

The moving camera was pretty much perfected by the time of TGZ. Here are the moving sets. And really large and very complex sets! Huge curtains and drapes flowing with unbelievable beauty for the cameras.

MGM's engineers were especially creative in The Great Ziegfeld! Sadly, they're "uncredited".

Stupid!?! I never called you stupid! To call you stupid would be an insult to stupid people!


Absolutely agree.


Just watching again on TCM at this very moment. Even more mind blowing to realize that although this film was made in 1936. the stages, sets, lighting, etc. that they are depicting was being done in the teens and '20's, many years before the film, and on live stages , not just for films!


That's a real surprise to me, sman..

Where were those stages, sets, what nation, what cities?

E pluribus unum
