
This is absolutely one of my favorite movies. The acting was absolutely perfect, I've seen this movie at least 50 times and can't wait to see it again!!!

Why So Serious?


I agree marykallen! This was one remarkable movie especially considering it was made in 1936! It was ahead of its' time. A great job by all concerned. It would have been tremendous in color with that beautiful scenery. That is the only fault I have with it but considering when it was made there weren't too many color movies.


Also as you mentioned the acting was outstanding. Frances Farmer should have at least got an oscar nomination as one of the reviewers wrote. Of course Walter Brennan deserved his oscar and Joel McCrea showed the promise of the grat star he was to become. Edward Arnold was also great and he was worthy of an oscar nomination. This was his performance of a lifetime and he was terrific.


One of my favorites, too. Edward Arnold deserved more honors than he got, and Joel McCrae is one of the most handsome men to have ever graced the screen.


Edward Arnold is just great!! What a huge presence he has!

In case anyone happens here who might be unfamiliar with his work, I would urge you to check out a few of his other performances that were also equally amazing.

He played some great bad guys in Meet John Doe, and Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

He played a couple of blustery blow-hard fathers who were mostly clueless in You Can't Take It With You and also (a REALLY great film) Easy Living.


Arnold was also great in the film he made the succeeding year (1937), again with Frances farmer, "Toast of New York," where he portrayed the infamous Jim Fisk. He was also good as Lana Turner's father and the DA in the 1942 gangster film starring Robert Taylor, "Johnny Eager."


I just finished watching it for the very first time, and OMG, what a great movie it is! I simply loved every single minute of it. Every performance is absolutely perfect and moving. Besides the four leading performers (Arnold, Farmer, McCrea and Brennan), I would also like to stand out the work by the wonderful supporting actresses in it: Mary Nash (who always does a flawless and more than interesting job in anything), Mady Christians (Karie), Andrea Leeds (the daughter) and Cecil Cunninghman (Josie, the witty secretary). All of them are very peculiar and give big and amazing support to the movie, and the final result is simply amazing.

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


Couldn't agree more with all sentiments posted so far...Come And Get It is a great and touching film (touching for what is on screen, of course, but also for what was lost when Frances Farmer's career didn't pan out). But the movie stands on its own, you certainly don't have to have a handle on FF's history to love this movie!

It's on 5/16/12 at 4:15 a.m.! Can't wait!

"I never knew a man could tell so many lies
He had a different story for every set of eyes"
