Good movie but creepy

There's a very creepy vibe to this movie. This old, married man who is constantly trying to get with this young girl. Eww.


If you can't stand the heat stay out of the theater. :)

Why do you watch movies like this if you want kiddy shows? It's a real puzzle when everyone can see the reviews and know what they are getting into. We are in what seems to be a remarkably innocent age when any hint of real life is met with outrage and is replaced by "reality shows" that have no reality to them.


First of all, Barney wasn't old; he was middle aged. In the book he was 53 when he first met the young Lotta who was 18. There was and is nothing creepy about a middle aged man attracted to a gorgeous young woman. And he was going through what is commonly called a "mid-life crisis."

How old are you- 14? You sound like a punk.


The actors ages at the time of this movie were 46 and 23 respectively. I guess 46 was considered old in 1936. We know that wealthy 46 year olds do pursue and get 23 year olds all the time. Jerry Seinfeld was messing around with a giel still in high school when he was about 40.

We see this all the time in films of this period. A person over 40 with grown children is portrayed as an old person at the end of their life with no romantic interests or appeal. It's like life was only for people 18-30 back then.


...and there is a difference now????


What was creepy to me, was that the first Lotta would marry Walter Brennan.


Walter Brennan, who played Swan, was only 43 at the time. But he always looked older than he was. Some of his later roles may be biasing you toward thinking he was ancient at all times.


In our society, women are considered "old" at 30, so I don't know why men in their 40s or 50s should get a break. Besides, it wasn't just the age difference that was an issue, but the fact that this married, middle-aged man was lusting after his friend and late ex-girlfriend's young daughter because he wanted to re-live his failed past romance. Creepy on too many levels.

I had no sympathy for Barney, absolutely none. If you marry for money rather than love, you get exactly what you pay for. His wife may have been a little on the unpleasant side, but it's not her fault Barney married her for the wrong reason.


In our society women are considered old at 40, even though that's changing,too. 30 is not "old" for anybody except young folks just under 21. And yeah, a guy in his 50s is way too old for an 18 years old woman. Let's be real, the only reason a woman that young would be with a guy that old is because he's rich, or she's got daddy issues, or wants a sugar daddy--period.
