Reginald Gardiner

Born to Dance is a delight to see more than once. If one is not so enthusiastic about dance, it is enough to watch the whole musical segment with Stewart, Powell and Mr. Reginald Gardiner. He is the police officer who does a several minute performance imitating a maestro conducting a symphony. You really do not want to look away to see this talent.
I would watch the film again just to see that act.


Gardiner is silent, limber, and very funny. It's the type of routine that Jerry Lewis and Milton Berle would do, and did, later.

It makes you wonder why Gardiner kept this talent hidden for the next 30 years while he usually played stiff British other men like in Christmas in Connecticut.


Thank you for your reply regarding Mr. Gardiner. I do need to admit I never notice him in films such as Christmas in Connecticut. I will now pay more attention to his talents in the future. Thank you again!
