Henry Hull

I just watched this film for the first time, after recently seeing Henry Hull with Vincent Price in Master of the World, another campy B-level film that was made many years later. (I really liked Master of the World as a kid, and just recently rewatched for the first time since I was a child.)

Hull's acting was pretty crude in Werewolf of London. (In fact, just about all the acting in the film was terrible.) But I was impressed to see how far Hull had gone by the time he was in Master of the World. The characters were portrayed so differently that I would not have known it was the same actor (many years older) had I not had IMDb to remind me. In fact, it had been a few weeks since I had added Werewolf in London in my Netflix list and when I watched it I had forgotten why I had originally thought about adding it to the list. I didn't realize Henry Hull was the same actor as in Master of the World until I looked at his performance history in IMDb again!
