Cooper and Sten

The TRIVIA section says that Cooper "hated" Anna Sten.
And I was just wondering: does anyone know WHY?



We both obviously just saw this on TCM. It's the first time I've seen it and it moved me to tears, very much affected by Anna Sten's performance. A film school graduate, I am embarrassed to admit I'd never heard of her. I figured, after viewing the film, that she HAD to be a big star. Who could not fall in love with her after seeing this? Apparently Gary Cooper? I can only conjecture there was resentment in the acting community that she got an unfair break as the darling of the head of the studio. Further speculation may suggest that she refused Coop's off-screen advances which infuriated him. How could she? Afterall, I'm Gary Cooper!


trueart, i agree with all you said. anna sten was so wonderful in this movie. she was so beautiful as well, even more so than some of hollywood's big female stars at the time. i cannot believe she wasn't a household name.

i thought the same thing you did--maybe gary cooper hated her because she put the skids on an affair with him. he had a reputation of being a cad, and i doubt he was turned down very much.


Wow, this is the first time I read such thing, and can't understand why, either. She was so beautiful, talented and seemed to be such a lovely girl in real life, as well.

Animal crackers in my soup
Monkeys and rabbits loop the loop


Plus that seems so out-of-character for Gary Cooper, who was generally acknowledged to be a very laid-back, easy-going guy. Now I'm curious, too!


I actually stumbled across this article a few minutes ago... . Apparently, Cooper grew frustrated with Sten because her thick accent and problems speaking English caused so many multiple takes and delays.
