MovieChat Forums > Splendor Discussion > I LOVE this movie! - Spoiler Alert

I LOVE this movie! - Spoiler Alert

I love this movie. It's sad yet hopeful. I cannot believe a family would behave like the Lorrimores yet stuff like this happens every day; perhaps not the exact same circumstances but similar. Even Brighton who is in some ways very different than the rest of the family falls easily into the trap of their behavior. It's a mindset; a poisonous way of thinking and being in the world.

What I found particularly humorous was how in their desperation they continued to have servants and live a lavish lifestyle which is a lot better than most people but they acted as if they were fighting cockroaches for the last crumb of bread. They were also very wasteful; burning bread, buying expensive cars with a driver, gambling, dressing up and attending cocktail parties.

They put it all on Brighton's shoulders while the rest, with the exception of his sister did basically nothing. As the eldest male, he was the only wage earner and had to support his family of origin even though he was the only one who had formed a new family.

What's worse, Martin was family yet he was willing to pressure Brighton's wife to have sex with him rather than help the family overcome their problems. What values. The worst was the horrible mother-in-law who was perfectly happy trying to pimp out her son's wife so she could maintain her precious possessions. Brighton is not without fault himself. He should never have brought his wife into that environment knowing they had tried to pimp him out too.

Still, I love the movie. It stirred a lot of emotions in me and then it had a very happy, hopeful ending. I'm a sucker for a happy ending usually but in this case especially because it's often not shown that a man would forgive his wife's infidelity. Usually his ego just wouldn't take it. In this case they both admit they were wrong and agree to give it another go even under less than favorable conditions.

Woman, man! That's the way it should be Tarzan. [Tarzan and his mate]
