MovieChat Forums > Princesse Tam-Tam (1935) Discussion > Latin Beat for African Dance?

Latin Beat for African Dance?

Did anyone else notice that so called African music during the big dance number at the Maharajah was more Latin than African? Did the French really not know the difference?

>>Oh, well that's different. Nevermind!<<


I know this is an old post, but much of what we call "Latin" music is African-derived anyway. I didn't find it so jarring or far-fetched.

Helga, I'm not mad at you; I'm mad at the dirt.


uch of what we call "Latin" music is African-derived anyway.

That makes sense. At least 90% of American popular music, all genres, is also African derived, too. Mother Africa has a huge influence on culture across the Diaspora.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.
