MovieChat Forums > Naughty Marietta (1935) Discussion > HELLO OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!...

HELLO OUT THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!






No one will probably ever read this. Or respond. It's a shame that more people don't come to talk about this movie. I've been a fan or it since I was a little kid, probably 6 or 7, and I'm 16 now. (17 in March, yeah!) I don't know the proper song title, but I love when Nelson Eddy sings the "Bobcat" song.

Well, I love this film. So I thought it was about time I posted something here.

Do you not know death when you see it?



*dead silence ensues*

*not even an echo*

Do you not know death when you see it?


*cricket chirps*


*dead silence continues*

Do you not know death when you see it?


Hi baleful beauty

I came here because I saw this movie in Florida when I was on vacation with my family and my stepdaughter wanted to know the name of the movie because she wanted to see the end and know the name of the song, "Sweet Mystery of Life". So here I am. You have very good taste for a young person, my stepdaughter saw it when she was 16 and fell in love with it. Don't feel bad that no one is here answering you most of the people who saw this movie are all dead.



I'm glad I'm not the only person who watches this movie! My family always watched classic movies when I was growing up, so I grew to love them. Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald are one of my favorite on-screen pairings.

Do you not know death when you see it?


Hi !
I watched this film on TCM last night-I had seen parts of it a couple of times previously. I love Operetta and NAUGHTY MARIETTA is my favorite of this musical genre. I love all of the Eddy/MacDonald films which I have seen but NAUGHTY MARIETTA is my favorite because of the beautiful score-especially 'Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life". I love the way Jeanette`s eyes tear up when she sings this song to Nelson at the end of the film.I also love Jeanette singing 'The Italian Street Song" and Nelson`s "Neath The Southern Moon".The playful humorous banter between Nelson and Jeanette is a joy to watch.The plot is a bit thin but it is the singing , the music and the magical Eddy/MacDonald chemistry which makes these films.


I absolutely love this film. I'm glad that other people do as well!

Do you not know death when you see it?


I too, love this film and have lost count on how many times I've seen it. I've love it since I was a child and I'm now 62. In the 1960's they use to have Jeanette Mac Donald and Nelson Eddy movie festivals at our local theater. It was a great experience to see them on the big screen. My parents were big fans of their films and passed their love of them onto me.

My favorite of their films is "Maytime".

"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." "Now Voyager"


I love Maytime too. When I was little I ised to watch it with my Grandparents and my mom. It's one of my favorite films, everytime I watch it, no matter how determined I am not to, I always cry at the end.

Do you not know death when you see it?


BTW. Contrary to what one of the posters said, on this thread, all of their fans aren't dead. HA! You might want to check out a website called you will find that there are lots of devoted fans out there.
Also, Have you tried posting on the classic films board you might get a bigger response to your inquiry there.


"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." "Now Voyager"


I hadn't thought of it, I don't usually visit the main boards, but I might get adventurous and try that one of these days.

Do you not know death when you see it?


Fans are alive and well out here..I too am not dead! I have been a MacEddy fan for years, watched all the late show movies growing up (pre-cable, pre-vcr, that's a real fan!) with my mom, who was a fan too. Great introduction to opera and operetta for those who have not been exposed yet...


I'm glad that there are still lots of fans out there! They're such movies!

SIGN THIS NOW!!! *please*


Tramp, tramp tramp always gets my heart racing....Nelson is da bomb.

"I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request." (Not said by Gerald Butner)


He most definitely is! I don't think I've ever seen one of his movies that I didn't like...

"You have me. And I have you." Hyde


Nobody fills out a Colonial costume like Nelson Eddy! Very Nice! Jeanette is radiant, as she always was. I want to be her.


Its a shame many of today's youngsters will not get to appreciate this pairing.

Its that man again!!


My first wife, now deceased, was a member of the Jeanette MacDonald fan club and had met her and her husband, Gene Raymond, a number of times.

Life, every now and then, behaves as though it had seen too many bad movies


I'm watching this movie for the very first time ever on the channel TCM
( Turner Classic Movies )  .

So far this is ( IMPO ) a brilliant , clever , and witty musical film especially for the 1930's indeed    .

How this wonderful film could ever be rated so low is truly beyond me here  .

Thanks baleful_beauty for your subject post  .


Low?? The rating is 7.0; I think that's pretty good.

I, too, enjoyed this movie but I think 7.0 is a fair rating. I'm not a fan of musical films but I wanted to see the Mac-Eddy pairings I've heard so much about. In this one I was not disappointed. The story was entertaining on its own but it wasn't that great.

Of the four Mac-Eddy movies I've seen so far, this one is my favorite though. Supposedly the two were romantically linked during the making of it. If that's true, it shows! If not, those two were really good actors and had great chemistry.


On the TCM Schedule for " LEONARD MALTIN'S REVIEW " he gave it only two and a half stars  . I didn't agree it deserved 4 stars IMPO   .

On IMDB here I gave it a rating of 10  .
If IMDB's current rating was 7.0 then it certainly deserves it  .
I agree it was a great film but I am a fan of musical films myself   .

Actually according to the Wikipedia profile for actress Jeanette MacDonald ( under the Controversy section ) it said Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy didn't get along but another there said off screen they secretly saw each other  .

---- ----

Thanks mdonln for your reply  .


So, you're 25 now. Seems like only yesterday you were here, shouting for help. I hope you've found it!


Actually, the OP is now 27 as of March (26 when you posted this in January).


It took me 10 yrs but I just watched this movie this morning. To be honest, I only watched it because there was nothing else on and I didn't expect to actually like it.


I just watched it as well, very entertaining...


I grew up with this film. It was my grandmothers favorite. My mother would put it on for my sisters and myself to help us fall asleep at night. I didn't appreciate the film at age 5, but now, 22 years later, I love it. This is a real film, with real talent and real beauty. It's a work of art.
