Should Have Been In Color

I'm a devotee of the beauty of B/W movies so this is almost sacrilege for me to say but I think this version of AMND would have been better served being filmed in color. The glittery effects were dreamy in B/W but I think if it had been done in lush color it would have popped off the screen. I'm not advocating colorizing this movie in any way because if this is the way the filmmakers made it then I can live with it but as a movie watcher I think I would have enjoyed it more in color.

Ah well, such is life.

'Cause I'm Black you think I did it?


I think some parts would have worked well in color, but consider horse-head. I'm grateful that was in black-and-white. It's harder to make things like that work in color.


Well, and it was 1935. Good luck getting anything in colour in 1935.

