This flick

I remember watching this film as a child and it captivated me and peaked my interest in Shakespeare. Now in my fifties I host a movie review show and we are doing modern adaptations of Shakespeares works. I insisted everyone view this flick before they say how great "O" is.



Sorry to wait for nine-and-a-half years to agree, but the site has been lagging a lot lately (although someone else has come and gone since you started reviewing Shakespeare adaptations, which I hope have been going well for everyone).

Anyone can clearly see how A Midsummer Night's Dream would generate interest in the works of William Shakespeare, so that is perfectly understandable how and why the film would affect your path in life.

All right, so the film can get a little annoying from time to time; I also had greatly antipated watching this about 15, 18 years or so ago (let's just say quite while back), and was also very glad to have seen it although I don't believe that I have since revisited this one.
