Herbert Marshall

I just love this man's droll delivery. Even when his character is being kidnapped, with guns on him, his delivery is just so casual.

Adored his chemistry with Jean Arthur!

Fun movie but I wish the end hadn't been so abrupt. I wanted more!!


I love Herbert Marshall, no matter the movie. What a wonderful actor. He was so smooth and so suave. I didn't know until a couple of years ago that he had an artificial leg. He lost his right leg in WWI. His movements are so smooth, you can hardly tell.


First movie I saw him in, Trouble in Paradise, I never even noticed his gait. Robert Osbourne then said he had an artificial leg due to WWI. I have since noticed you can't really tell. Really pretty amazing.


In this film I noticed he was a little awkward with some movements. But I suspect this is only because I knew he had an artificial leg and was watching particularly closely.
