Better than the original

Better written, acting, direction and soundtrack, that's the real frankenstein masterpiece.


I agree, although in all fairness to its predecessor, Whale's first Frankenstein didn't have a music soundtrack. Frankenstein was produced during the transitional period between silent films and talkies, and musical soundtracks had not yet become a standard practice. Frankenstein's music was limited to the opening and closing credits, which was fairly typical for the time.


I agree, the greatest sequel of all-time imo. The Monster's character is fleshed out much more in this one & although I know the idea of a talking Monster is one that has divided some fans for many years--to me, having the monster speak just added more depth to his character & made him an even more tragic figure....


Its a shame how they used the monster on both House of films. Son of, Meets the Wolf Man and Ghost were decent


In 'Meets the Wolfman', Lugosi's performance as The Monster was laughable, though it wasn't really Lugosi's fault.

Short Cut, Draw Blood


I concur, this is one of those few films that surpasses the original in almost every way imaginable.


I go for the original because unfortunately, the humor in the film is badly dated.


I love BRIDE, but the original is THE original. They are two different movies.


How is it dated?


As I stated the humor is badly dated by today's standards. It is corny. It has not dated well at all. Particularly the scenes at the beginning with the old lady and the aftermath of the windmill fire. Also the ending with the lever that blows up the laboratory is dated. A lever that is pulled that blows up the whole building??


It's not corny or dated. It's campy. It's supposed to be that way. It's kind of similar to Tim Burton's humor in Batman films.


I have an easier time with Burton's humor than Bride of Frankenstein's. Of all film elements comedy and humor have dated the worst. I like It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World, but the most of the humor has dated badly. It is not as funny today.



I agree with you. Its really timeless humor. Everything is dated and will be dated when you think about it. Just like "I Love Lucy"- a lot those situations were timeless.


Yes everything gets dated but some elements are more extreme than others. I find humor and comedy the most dated of all movie genres. But I also agree with you on today's humor. All you have to do is curse and people laugh even though the punchline or gag is not the least bit funny.


I reckon its dated in the sense that it doesn't use profanity or anything sexual in it? Could that be it? Today's humor is mostly uncreative garbage, like big bang theory and meet the millers, so its no wonder maybe some may find it dated. Everything is dated.


I really could have done without the miniatures in bottles. That just didn't seem to belong at all.


I love both films equally.




The most obvious differences in Bride of Frankenstein is 1)Franz Waxman's fabulous musical score and 2) occasional comic relief. I really appreciated the austere production of the original. The Bride is a far more refined production. I think that the original is far eerier.
