The freezing

Do you think that the part where the mother freezes on stage and is immobilized as the stage prop is placed in front adds to the stimulating aspect of the short ? Or would it have been sexier if she tries to run off the stage ?


I definitely think her freezing is very stimulating, seeing this bossy controlling mother, woman being frozen with humiliation and embarassment after being stripped is for me very erotic...


On the over the shoulder shot of Kitty and Spanky pushing the prop in front of her, they should have shown some of the audience laughing at her instead of seeing the stage hand legs. That would have enhanced the idea of how embarrassed and humiliated she was, hence freezing and I think sexier than running off the stage.


I agree , seeing a shot of the audience laughing and pointing at her definitely would have enhanced the idea of the amount of embarassment and humiliation she was enduring. Freezing her with the eyes rolled upwards and her mouth wide opened was definitely erotic. The gang should have sling shot an apple to land in her opened mouth! Lol


Maybe a slurry of peas into her mouth--like a cum shot---I think everyone is thinking that since they were 7


Ah yes a slurry of peas shot into her opened mouth! Excellent idea!
