
Does anyone have a theory on why we never saw another BL or something close from the Roach Studios?
Here we are still talking about it 85 years later. It was a hit in 1935, a big money maker for the studio. So why wasn't another BL like short made? They had a bevy of beauties to pick from to play mom. Granted BL was a little over the top so any follow up wouldn't have to be that extreme. Sex sells, so showing a lot of leg in the 30's or a skirt ripped off exposing those legs would benefit in increased audiences.
My theory why we never saw another BL is the writers wife's! I imagine every new Rascal short had a minor premier so when the wife's saw what their husbands wrote, they put their foot down and said never again! They probably went on that they were suppose to be writing a kids short and here you are sitting around all day writing about your sexual fantasies. Are you thinking about me, neighbor, girlfriend, or sister up on stage getting stripped?? If you don't want a divorce you better stop embarrassing females in your stories.
That's my theory and again a theory is just a possibility, so what is your theory?


Maybe, it was a matter of no remake needed. It was a matter of we made a point. There was no need to remake it. We said it once, hence no need to go back and restate.

Maybe it was seen as perfect. No need to improve on top quality work.

Maybe it is like a classic, i.e., " The Maltese Falcon " or " Gone With The Wind " ; they saw it as a great classic. There were several versions of certain films, i.e. " " Farewell My Lovely " was made three or four times by the 1950s. It may be there was either no call, or no vision to do so.


I am still surprised that there was no modern day version having a sexy woman getting her dress torn off wearing sexy bra, panties garters etc being made a laughingstock of, showing her embarassment and humiliation on her face in front of a roaring audience!
