Interesting observation

I asked a friend who never saw the short before but I new he was a fan of all films from all decades. He watched it thought it was funny. I asked him what made the short work, he wasn't sure so he watched it several times ( 4 or 5). He came back to me and told me the reason "Beginner's Luck" works is due to one reason and that was the character of Spanky's mother.
I asked further to clarify what he meant but he didn't give me an answer. So i'm asking is it she seems to be a single mom or at least single in the short? Is it she is a stage mom and pushy? Is it that everyone is against her and she doesn't know it? Is it that this whole thing was her idea and it falls apart? Is it that she insists that he be taken off the stage and then says she will rescue her son? Is it that she is an attractive woman? Or because she looses her dress on stage? or the stage prop ? Or her freezing om stage? I'm not sure but i'd sure like to hear opinions.


Hi Doug , great question. What does it for me is that , it was her idea and it fell apart, (backfired and blew up in her face) she insists that he be taken off the stage and rejected by the MC and then she runs to rescue spanky and she than freezes on stage and of course the ROARING audience laughter! I have discussed this with a friend that I have known for a long time and she agrees and believes what does it for me are the things I mentioned. It’s not the attractive woman having her dress torn off (but it helps!) as much as it is everything leading up to that which for me is the ultimate turn on...


Honestly i'm not sure if it's really her that is the character that really makes the short work. I believe it is a combination of things (like the wild audience laughter or the slide whistle noise) that make it work


Yes it is not her per se , it is the laughter and the noise ,whistle that makes it and my friend said she found that , meaning laughter and sound effects along with her attempting to save her son and herself from further embarrassment and humiliation. As a woman whom I known for years actually can see the way we look at the short like that.we watched it today and she said I was spot on with my feelings as it seems you are too!
