MovieChat Forums > Beginner's Luck (1935) Discussion > What would you change on Kitty physicall...

What would you change on Kitty physically?

What physical changes would you make on Kitty to enhance her looks or enhance the BL experience. I would like to make her blue eyed--wondered if that would change her look when she is looking up at her dress. One thing I do is change the settings on my DVD player to zoom which takes 20-25 pounds off Kitty and slims her down.


Definitely deep blue eyes, a bit thinner but not too much. It’s tough to tell how big her tits are but would want to see big breasts and would definitely want to see her blushing while her mouth is opened looking up at her dress. Looking so vulnerable.


A little cleavage wouldn't be bad especially when she got shocked. But since they were pushing the boundaries already I guess you can't have everything.


Yeah, for 1935 they pushed the envelope a lot in this short. Cleavage probably wouldn’t fly but it’s nice to dream!


it's funny when I read this all I could think of was a survey we did at the yahoo group. It was overwhelming that the people wanted the mother to be of a northern European decent. With Blonde hair,, blue eyes and a very light pale skin color.


Yup you are correct!
