Random Thoughts

Here are a few random thoughts floating around my head about BL.
The first--when Kitty announces to the womens group that Spanky is going on the stage it looks like her head is on the bird perch. Was this implied from the beginning it was a bird brain idea?? The second, when Gma starts pulling down the curtain she starts to go into a squat position like the prop, legs spreading out--does this imply anything--don't know. And the third thing with the prop in front of Kitty and Spanky looking up at her dress--we kind of focus on the prop with the legs open but if you look at Spankys arms they are in the same position as the prop--again am I reading too much into this--mixed signals. Ideas---Thoughts


interesting thoughts , I think it was just the place they put the bird stand. The parrot was important and a cute scene in the short. With the Gma I think it was just the way she was getting all her strength into pulling down on the curtain ropes. I don't see that with Spanky's arms at all. I watched it thru to check out the three areas.


Interesting, I did not necessarily notice these things you note but we all see , dissect this short in many ways. That is why I enjoy discussing this short with others because we all see something a bit different each time we discuss it.


One strange aspect I found is the great material that comes out on the internet over the years and somehow vanishes. Remember DR Synn's review, then there was the man who said he was a writer for a paper and went to buy a TV and the store had BL on all of it's sets and this brought him to research the old short and he read the IMDB board and was fascinated by the amount of old guys telling their stories of how it affected us. Then the really good one on youtube which was a 5-6 minute review and one day that was just gone as all the others.


Yes I remember all of those reviews and than poof , gone. Very strange how they just disappeared. Just as strange as that no remake was ever done of the short and the discussion is really limited to just a small group of us when you really think about it.


Well there were remakes done ONe guy was trying to h=get a pay per view sight up and running and had sent many different types of girls posed in the BL style he stripped them many nude some only to undies buy man some of the ladies were so beautiful.


Yeah blue takes and those girls were so hot, I agree


There were a lot of pictures posted on varies websites from the Bluetakes site--for free. I imagine no one made copies of them since it was the "internet" and they will always be there to view. He had at least 4 versions of BL with different models--as hard as he tried I don't think he came close of duplicating BL.


I wish they were still available, yeah he tried hard to coming close to bl
