A very interesting tale

In the last year of the old IMDB board a young man starting posting, I was fascinated by him as the most of us were at least in our 50's and how did he even get interested in this short. I found his posts very interesting. We had many many private posts between us. One of the most fascinating things about him he had a life sized stage prop made by his friends for him. He had his many girlfriends actually act out the ending scene of BL He used a hanger and used that as the hook to catch the girl's dresses and hike them up then he would have the girls pose behind the prop in various stages of undress.
Myself and the other older posters were shocked by the fact that every girl, fellow teacher or one of his students mother's did the reenactment and then posed behind the stage prop. Where he took photos of them.
After that board closed down I like so many of us loved to talk about this short with anyone but I did speak to quite a few gals who were single they said they would do it reluctantly but that they would do it .


Yes Doug I remember that too, I actually added to that, that I had some girlfriends that I would do the same thing too, hanger lifting up their dress. I felt comfortable enough to tell them about my fetish so to speak with beginners luck. They were curious and we watched it together and they willing participated with what I asked. I never forced them and the few girls actually said to me that it was so simple and innocent that they didn’t mind to act out with me and we had a lot of fun with it and somehow it always ended up with a great time between us behind the curtains! Lol


Robbie what myself and the other old guys were shocked that he was able to get away with this in our day we would be hit over the head with something


I’m shocked as well Doug, I’m 52and cannot get over how this was gotten away with back then. I’m on this board often, so I’m eager to chat share and explore more about this short, I think in the a past the board died out but there is a lot to look at even til this day. Would love to chat with you and others either here , another board or privately.


Robbie one of the problems with the short is it's 85 yrs old and all of the actors are gone, the writers ,director and all the crew as well. There is rarely anything coming out in the last 60 yrs.
One place is the two facebook groups. Beginner's luck doesn't come up that often but these people seem to be nice and know their shit. There are a lot of rumors which no one can verify.
Like Stan Laurel changed the ending, they switched the actresses between Spanky's and Daisy's mothers ,one rumor said it was actually Spanky's real mother


I didn't know there was a Facebook group about BL--you say 2 groups---are they still active?


no the facebook groups are little rascals in general


What fascinates me most today there are women in there 60's and would look good in a BL posing. Even more fascinating today women in their 30's 40's 50's and 60's will pose without much trouble asking them to do it.


I agree there are women today who would look good i a bl pose. I have had girlfriends pose for me and act it out because they thought it was innocent and simple, compared to other sexually degrading things women are asked to do by men . I was told it was by some girls that they didn’t mind because it wasn’t violent or hurtful to them, it was just my fantasy that I wanted to act out.


What I have found out if you are dealing with a female that was married and now isn't (widow or divorcee ) they are far more willing to do it than the average gal the same age.


I have found both but I agree the girls who have been married are more opened to acting out the whole scene than your typical single girl for whatever reason.


True, but there are still a few like us that can get a good discussion going, for example was the mother standing when her dress got torn off or did she drop to her knees? I thought she was on her knees because when spanky put the prop in front of her she seemed shorter but I have others tell me she was standing.


That thought on whether the mother was standing or kneeling or whatever was a huge controversy on the old boards. You couldn't convince people that due to the height difference she couldn't be standing up. She had to be kneeling on her knees, or squatting on her haunches like the front of the stage prop, or which I believe is she is just like she is after she gets the shock I believe she is sitting back on her heels.


That is what I believe she was either kneeling or squatting!


I've been reading all the old posts my god do they bring me back. My writing ability has fallen off what it was. The Roll call and the stories my god Regina Cantwell and the retelling of the time the guy came on the board and told a tale of a real life BL situation happening to his friends mother when they were freshmen in high school .


Some of the problems we had on the old boards - for long amounts of time it was dead then something would spark it for a bit. People had ideas some thought the grandma was her mother others thought she was a mother in law the problem we can never find out. One guy told the story in High school in a class studying early American comedy they showed the picture of the stage prop with her head on top and Spanky standing on the side. The teacher asked was kind of animal was it the entire class yells out a dog. Then one student said it's a lion or lioness and the teacher said of course he was correct and there was symbolism to it but something happened and he was taken off in a tangent so the class never found out what is the symbolism of the sphinx.


Yes I know the dead time led to no interest and it was understandable, I could never imagine being placed in that scene with my mother , seeing her in her under ware after her dress gets ripped off and than placing an embarrassing prop whether it was a dog or lioness in front of her and have all my friends and an entire theater laughing hysterically at us. Red faced and Omg, I would die.


Those posts were the good ol days, I have to say. There was one guy I lost touch with years ago where we would chat privately about different actresses or newscasters in the role of spankys mom or he had a fantasy of his secretary, he sent me a pic of her and she was in her late 40s and smoking! Unfortunately we lost touch, but hopefully this board will be as lively as the others! Imagine a bl today? Forget it the censors would be all over it. Lol the closest I saw was megyn price losing her dress when the elevator doors closed and it got stuck and up it went!


I had a guy send me pictures of his wife and told me he wanted her to pose in the BL poses he sent me pictures of the slip he bought her the dress the beret and he showed me several pictures of her and her son from a pervious marriage and said he wanted this stuff posted on the now old yahoo BL group I was so excited as the wife was perfect about 35 a blonde beauty very classy and I new the guys in the group wud love to see this . But he never sent them in .


In the very early days of the IMDB boards there was a guy or group of guys that told a story a making a remake of BL with a red headed woman they knew. They ran with the story for a year and a half to 2 yrs and did it ever have a following so many people wanted pictures of the girl in a skip or behind the prop but at the end they told us it was all made up. But man did they drive people crazy with that one.


I think the only one who followed through was Sig. He made 2 different videos--they weren't perfect but at least he put something out there. Personally I think those other stories were BS--just trying to get guys all excited.


Yes I remember Sig well. He did such a great job very pretty girls posed in the BL scenes but he thought that it was going to really take off and there just wasn't enough interest from the general public


I hear ya, I would be cautious of sending pics, the girls I knew would have killed me if they found out although I was tempted to share. A girl that I dated back in the day was so into BL, after we watched it together for the first time said to me wow, that was kind of erotic! I was in heaven. She like the feeling of not being in control and having her dress ripped off and people laughing at her, suffice to say her and I had a lot of fun! Lol
