Different Rascal Short

If you could substitute Kitty into a different Rascal short and have her get the works which short would it be.
Off the top of my head I would put her in "Honky Donkey". When the mother slides down the stair case I would have it where her dress is caught at the top of the stairs and Kitty would slide right out of her dress. She then plays grab ass with the butler who can't keep his hands off poor Kitty's slip clad body--"OH BARKLEY". Then as she is running out the door to the fountain the donkey bites onto her slip and yanks it off or Kitty runs out of it just before jumping into the fountain. The donkey has a real laugh as Kitty struggles to cover her dripping breasts.


That is a good one ! I would like to see her in flory dory girls, the one where spanky tells the gang to just do everything he does as to the dance however he didn’t know the monkey got into his dress bustle with a pin, and kept sticking him in the ass so the gang made all those girations on stage thus resulting in them losing their dresses! Only this time spankys mother wants to help her son and the gang and she is the lead and tells spanky and. The gang do everything she does! She begins and is being stuck in the ass by the monkey w the pin. She does uncontroable girations thus resulting in her entire dress to fall off to her ankles along with the gang she is humiliated as they are all left standing in very frilly underwire but of course spankys mother is revealing to the audience her large assets, darla closes the curtain to try and cover them but it closes behind them leaving them all left to crawl off the stage under the curtain to privacy while the monkey continues to poke spanky mothers large ass with the. Pin!


Love to be in the audience supporting the gang and then see Spankys MILF mother do a strip tease for everyone!! Love to see her face as her dress drops and getting poked in the ass--the gang would want to do an overnighter at spankys house in hopes of seeing moms embarassment as they enter the room


I bet the gangs nobelest romans were all at attention after seeing his mothers embarassment on her face her eyes were wide like saucers, her mouth opened wide her entire face was beat red with blush her huge breasts flopping around after her bra clip in the front snapped when she moved her arms and hands to grab at her huge ass after the monkey poked her again with the pin, her voluptuous hips swaying from side to side as her. Body was gyrating all about, much to the delight of all the gang members!



Since it is political season how about Kitty in a parade up on a float--running for office--waving to everyone--and then she loses her balance , her aid grabs her dress--rrriipppp!! Just like in Animal House. The crowd laughing at her, the press taking as many pictures as they can and the men waving their wieners as she runs by.


That I like, she demands attention when she is present as she runs for office and she got all the men to stand at attention in ways she never dreamt of! Lol. Of course she is wearing underneath that ripped off dress very patriotic colors, a low cut very cleavage revealing red laced bra, a silky blu thong exposing her big milky white ass and white thigh high stockings! And is her face red? But of course!
