MovieChat Forums > Beginner's Luck (1935) Discussion > What is it that makes beginner's luck wo...

What is it that makes beginner's luck work?

I would like to know what is it that makes beginner's luck work ? what is it that gives it the zing it has or rather the zing it gives the viewer? I have watched this hundreds of times over the years and I have some ideas but to be honest i'd rather listen to the ideas of the others her and see if my ideas are in the ballpark or not at all. I would like to hear from people and see what they think.


This is a question that's been asked many times over the yrs. I think it has different meanings for different people. Some want to rewrite it others to do a remake with some modern actors in the roles some guys get off on posing girls in "BL" poses and photographing them. Some guys see things in it that really aren't there like her huge rack or her sculpted behind or her chiseled legs or something like it.

Overall I believe "BL" gets it's "ZING" from way they portray Spanky's mother's comedic humiliation. She is an adult ,parent and totally shown no respect at all. The fact she looses her dress adds to the knowledge she will be ogled by the male audience members and that will add to her humiliation. The stage prop also adds to it with the animal squatting on it's haunches and her head fits on top. Also her facial expression as she is behind the prop looking up at her dress adds to the zing of "BL".

I too would like to hear from others with their opinions.


Well as for me I'm one of your guys that love to act out and also love to pose girls in the "Beginner's Luck" poses and photograph them. I honestly love that and to be honest I don't have any trouble getting women to do it. Generally they laugh it off but they do go ahead with it.

I don't think that is the area that this guy is looking for. I think he means something in "BL" that makes it so special. And with that I would have to agree with your answer Doug about the way they treat the character of Spank's mom.


Anyone who watched the rascals growing up knew the way they used the art of the comeuppance and how people were put in their places for going up against the gang. Spanky's mother just screams out -HEY GIVE ME MY COMEUPPANCE in the early parts of "Beginner's Luck" and then seems to soften after her early brush with the MC. The tough audience who laughs at Daisey without mercy and how Daisey sees their faces starring back at her when she is on the stage only shows you what Spanky's mother is up against when it's her turn. Their laughter at her are really special and a wonderful part of her comeuppance. The kid's instrument ,which I believe is a slide flute, adds so much to the overall value of the scene. The very fact that it's her own mother who raises the curtain and snags her dress saying catching her daughter's dress hem and hiking it will be a show stopper also add so much. Another aspect is Spanky's mother going to the gang just before he goes on also adds so much.

But overall I think what gives it it's Zing is the fact she is a mother and an authority figure and her comeuppance is severe and her humiliation is so huge.


I found your story fascinating and I would love to find out exactly what you do. I would love to see your photographs, well that is if you show them publicly. What you wish to share I don't want you to say anything you would feel uncomfortable about now or later on.


Hi Roger

I was always a huge fan of "Beginner's Luck" and somehow I got into a game of having a woman I was involved with act out the curtain snagging the dress hem scene. I would use a wooden hanger with a strong metal hook to catch the girls dress and then I would hoist it off her. It was great some women thought I was a whack job but they all went along with it. About 10 yrs ago I started to play around with some photos of old girlfriends and putting their heads on to stills from "Beginner's Luck" shortly afterwards photoshop came out and it was much easier. A few years ago some of my friends came up with a great idea and that was to make a stage prop. All that was done was they took the shot of Kitty behind the prop and made a copy and took it to a friend who was a graphic artist and he did the rest. That added greatly to my BL experience and I really loved it all the women I was involved with over the last few yrs went thru it some balked a little but in the end they all would up behind the prop in their underwear.

To be very honest with you I can't show my photographs publicly as I am no longer with any of the girls I posed in the past. I don't feel it's fair to use these females in that manner on the internet.

I do know of others who do pretty much the same thing I do, We share ideas and experiences. If you wish to share ideas or experiences please send me a private post.


I would do the same with some girls I dated, they thought it was a bit odd but they too went along with it, we would watch bl together, I would ask them to put on some very sexy bra and panties and then put on a sundress, I would get a hanger and go behind them and raise their dress from behind with the hanger than they would make this mortified face and say oh no! What the hell!. My fuckin dress, oh god I’ll be humiliated! Riiiip! Off it came, they would try and cover themselves, looking completely mortified! Then I would go and “protect “ them by “covering”them!



A very simple set of formulas that make it work right up till today.

Spanky's mother while slightly annoying is not cruel you dislike just enough so that when her dress is ripped off in front of a crowded theater in you laugh at her plight and do not feel sorry for her.

Modest dress that is not cling to the body revealing but just enough to entice to the viewer. If her dress was skin tight there would be less anticipation as her dress is being pulled off her.Unlike today where women are portrayed as over the top snobbish, greedy, grasping willing to get naked at a moment's notice.

The fact that she is standing there in a slip is more sexually arousing then if she was stripped naked. If you disagree just think that this was made in 1935 and it is now 2013 and there is a whole community on it.

The whole thing that makes it work is innocents, not over the top snobby annoyance, not gratuitous nudity and not a deliberate spiteful plan to hurt someone it was a comedy of errors that lead to her dress being pulled and ripped off her on the stage. This is what makes it work from 1935 until today.


I could watch this short over and over and it has never lost its ability to give me that zing. I’m in my 50s and I still find it erotic
