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Over the last 10-15 years I've been asking people to write a review of B/L . I generally ask for about 2000 words per review. I would always give the reviewer a disc of the short so they could watch it over and over before they wrote. In recent yrs most of the people I get have never seen it before. My reviews were overwhelmingly done by men in the earlier days so I thought I would go after a more female audience and balance it out. These days I mostly get women who are between the ages of 25- 45 and perfect mother age. I don't have any trouble getting these folks to write a review even thou it's a pain to do this it's like writing a paper in college. Most love the idea of doing this. I always found this to be very interesting as I was in a position where I could get people to give there opinions on this subject.


You old dog you! Actually I did know about this as you had told me about it before. I am so jealous that you can get away with this. I wish I could figure out a way I could do it. I think I would do all female 18-45


I also heard this before and I honestly wondered why you didn't ever try to do a remake of Beginner's Luck" with the resources at your fingertips.


Thanks guys and I have to say the idea of making a remake is something I've thought about for most of my life. Just waiting for the right lady to walk in and play the role of Spanky's mother.


I wish we could have access to your database so we could read these reviews I know I'd find it very interesting. Doug can you tell us any good stories as I know your full of them all the time anyway?


Would you be willing to share some of these reviews?
