Prairie Oyster!?!? yuk

The morning after New Years eve Edward G. Gives Miriam a glass of prairie oysters for her hangover. She should have asked what it was, I don't think she'd have drank it if she knew.Usually it is served not in a glass but as an appetizer. Other names according to wiki include cowboy caviar,Montana tendergroins,and my fave swinging beef. It is bull testicles.
Side note I remember a billboard when going through Montana for the Rocky Mountain Oyster festival. It showed a bull with some huge nuts and said "Come to the festival, you'll have a ball." ;0

When there are two, one betrays-Jean-Pierre Melville


I looked it up on Wiki and it says

"A drink typically served the morning after a night of hard drinking, the Prairie Oyster consists of a raw egg, Worcestershire sauce and hot sauce. The egg is broken into a glass so as not to break the yolk, which causes the drink to bear a similarity to the texture of an actual oyster."

I know bull's testicles can also be called prairie oysters, but you can't drink them so I'm pretty sure she had the hangover remedy egg and hot sauce mixture.


I live only a few miles from the "Testicle Festival" and if you want wild drunkeness and public nudity, ya all come to it. In the past Andy Devine frequented it and used to do a cool natch dance. Nobody alive can compare.

Time is the only true purgatory.


Good call :)
