MovieChat Forums > The Thin Man (1934) Discussion > The 'Sullivan Act' joke.

The 'Sullivan Act' joke.

Lieutenant John Guild: You got a pistol permit?
Nick Charles: No.
Lieutenant John Guild: Ever heard of the Sullivan Act?
Nora Charles: Oh, that's all right, we're married.

I get why this is funny, but I was also wondering if there was another law with a similar name or something that people back in 1934 would've laughed at Nora confusing it for? Know what I mean?

The love impulse in man frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.


Well, the names not all *that* similar, but the law that she is confusing it with is the Mann Act.

The Mann Act prohibited transporting women across state lines "for immoral purposes". My understanding is that it was ostensibly intended to give the federal government some power to break up large prostitution organizations.

However, one of the first times that it was used (possibly the first time, I'm not sure) was basically a case of government sanctioned racism. Black boxing champion Jack Johnson was imprisoned for taking his white girlfriend (whom he later married) from one state to another. In fact, it seems that most of the times that it was used (or, at least, most of the times that anybody ever heard about it) it was for someone, usually someone that a prosecutor or politician didn't like but couldn't get any other way, crossing state lines with a girlfriend.


Ok I was thinking something along those lines.

The love impulse in man frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.


What's that man doing in my drawers!"


I love that line! Nick's reaction is so funny.

The love impulse in man frequently reveals itself in terms of conflict.


thanks for the info!

🎍Season's greetings!🎅🌲
