Myrna Loy sexy?

Does anyone else find Myrna Loy incredibly sexy in this movie?? Wow!!

Sexy in a classy, sassy and fun way though, never cheap...

Nick is a lucky man. ;-)

She does show "a lot" of skin though for 1934 doesn’t she? That must have seemed pretty racy for the time.

Is "The Thin Man" considered a pre-code film I wonder?


Absolutely! Myrna Loy is amazing. I could just look at her all day long. You're so right about her character being fun, sassy and classy. I own all the Thin Man movies and 5 other movies her and William Powell did together. I love their chemistry. They just sparkle.


From what I have read, the code was amended in 1934 requiring all films to obtain a certificate of approval. Prior to that, the code existed, but was not enforced in any significant manner.


Very sexy, and classy all the way.

In the quiet words of the virgin Mary, come again?


Yes!!!!!!!!!! Good call. One of the great beauties of early Hollywood. And it was post code thus the twin beds, but that didn't stop Myrna from going bra less in a few scenes. I love their marriage, seems perfect to me.


it was post code thus the twin beds

Actually, from what I've read the real enforcement of the Code started for films released July 1, 1934. The IMDb lists the release date of The Thin Man as being in May, 1934. That would make The Thin Man just *barely* Pre-Code.


Myrna Loy sexy?

Well... DUH!!

Later in life she lamented that the studio used her as "a sexpot." To which I reply again, DUH! She was definitely a hottie.


I agree. Myrna Loy was an attractive woman. She looks good in this movie. I think that she is pretty in all of her movies.


Yes Myrna was very sexy.
I love her line in this one where she says to Nick, "I'll give you your Christmas present now, if you'll give me mine."
I don't think she meant something wrapped under the tree. :-)

"Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government."


I agree with the assessments here of Ms. Loy. A great actress no matter the genre (see The Best Years of our Lives). Comedy takes real talent, especially in mixing it in with sexual attraction in a way that works. I may prefer Carole Lombard in that regard, but Myrna was great in this film and some of the sequels.


You had me at Myrna Loy.
Sexiest actress ever!

What in the wide, wide world of sports is a-goin' on here?


I mean really???? Did you even have to ask? She was one of the sexiest ladies in Hollywood.
