Coming out on Video/DVD?

Does anyone know if or when this is going to be coming out on video/DVD? It's so wrong that movies like this are kept in vaults while so much other cr*p is pumped out. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!




Hi Brian,

I agree that more classic "gold" should be released from the vaults. This title gets its factory release in 9 days under the title: Pre-Code Hollywood Collection (The Cheat / Merrily We Go to Hell / Hot Saturday / Torch Singer / Murder at the Vanities / Search for Beauty).

Universal will be rolling out the Paramount and Big "U" classics on TCM after the current 4 year lease with Sony (Columbia) expires!

Cheers :)

Choosing peace requires greater courage.


A Big cheer for the Folks at Universal!!! I got the Pre-Code Collection and wow it's great! I mean the dialog is so smart and sharp it make me think what great movies would we have seen if that stupid code didn't come in! That's why the european films are more mature..they don't falunt it but it looks like America was force to be a smart aleck child that snickers when any form of sex appears!
Anyway the films looks great and in the case of Search for Beauty I was freaked out by their use of a zoom lens! I had to go back and looked at it again! And they used it a lot! I mean this is 1934! I saw one in Love me tonight but it was used once, but this actally ened on a zoom! WOW! And they are not gauging you like TCM. Please Universal Let the movies flow!


Great movie and with another on 2 movie DVD at Netflix 70114159?lnkce=seRtLn&trkid=222336&strkid=2039576977_0_0&s trackid=4f10ce603f76a642_0_srl

my favorites are Harlow and Garbo. I guess I'm just an old fashion guy
