Director's Cut?

This is my favorite Stooges short, but there's something I've been wondering for years: if you look at the end, when the fight has ended, there are about four or five people stretched out in the ring and KO looks really spent. It's obvious that while "Pop Goes the Weasel" was playing, different guys ran into the ring to try and subdue KO and get clocked(similar to the ending of GRIPS, GRUNTS AND GROANS from 1937). But I've never seen that footage. Does anyone know if there is a "director's cut" of this film showing KO decking the other men?

s to the left of me.
s to the right.
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you!


I guess no one has an answer.

"Leave and never darken my towels again!"


I have seen the footage before either on my father's old VHS collection or on AMC when they used to have the marathons. I found it glaringly obvious that it was missing when I recently watched the "Complete Collection", which has been touted as "uncut."

You'd think they could have included the complete version since the footage is obviously out there somewhere.


I too have a memory of ref's and such getting knocked out. Not on my collection unfortunatly.

I have not failed, I've found 10,000 ways that won't work.
