
with Gabby Hayes is never dull. Ask yer neighbor.

Nothing exists more beautifully than nothing.


yeah... what's he doing in this flick? this isn't a western....he must have needed the $$ although he certainly was doing tons of other stuff in 1934. The best thing about this film is the "technology"... sending "writing" over the air waves... and a remote controlled ship... pretty advanced stuff. Maybe they should have used Wallace Beery instead of Noah Beery. Keep an eye out for Edwin Maxwell (major pope), who played supporting roles in many "A" movies. Also Zeffie Tilbury (Granny) was older than dirt - born in 1863!


is this the much ballyhooed sequel to "Panty Liner"?

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


well this is very dull!

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


But you watched it and now know the joys of nothing.

Sacred cows make delicious hamburgers.

