Also called

Seems to also be titled "Call It Murder"


Saw last night under that title.Dull,talky,and worst Bogart film I've ever seen.


He was still 'rehearsing.' 😃


Not even Humphrey Bogart could grab my enthusiasm for this movie. I notice that it is based on a play called 'Midnight,' even though I've seen this film under the title of 'Call It Murder.'



This film would have been better had it ended when the father found out his daughter killed her gangster boyfriend for wanting to leave her. As a jury foreman he saw no reasons why the female defendant in the case he sat on should have been shown mercy for killing her lover. He convinced the others jurors to vote for the death penalty. The night the woman was executed his own daughter is now in the exact same situation!

But the film dragged on & on with a reporter and the district attorney being called to the family's house and basically accusing, defending and freeing the daughter from the crime all in one sitting. While the father was fighting to have her face the consequences. Strange ending.

The early bird might get the worm, but the 2nd mouse gets the cheese!


Surprised that got past the Hays Office.
