Clark Gable

Clark Gable is just so gorgeous in this film I could have watched him for hours.


Oh i so agree! I have loved him especially since about 2000 (of course had loved him in GWTW as a child) when i was sick & rented a bunch of his movies. He's SO yummy! And he plays Jeff like no one could - he hides his own pain in order to keep Mary cheered up. He was a REAL MAN!! I have a great huge poster of him from It Happened One Night at the top of my stairs - even my male friends say, "That guy is cool!" :)



I've never understood how Mary could pick Dill over offense to Robert Montgomery, but he wasn't Gable!

Nick: Who was that?
Nora: Oh, you wouldn't know them, darling. They're respectable.



Agreed! Clark is so dreamy!


He is great, and it is such an amusing film.
