Soooooooo Garbo

I guess Garbo was huge when they made this film. Crawford (whether she's doing it or the director was) becomes very very GARBO at times in this picture. A good one. Not a moment's loss of action. All those frames have something on them. Great opening sequence with the power boat. Who knew they had such speedy craft then?


I love this film. Don't understand why it isn't better known. Even through all the glamour and costumes Crawford gives a wonderfully nuanced performance especially in her scenes with Otto Kruger - heartbreaking when he tells her how much he loves her and she just can't muster up the courage to leave him. More people should see this film and you'll understand why Crawford was such a HUGE star and what star acting is all about. Yes, Joan Crawford was a great actress. And she has some of the most stunning close-ups in this film. CATCH IT



Crawford does some serious acting >


Yeah, I caught some similarities between Joan and Greta at certain points in the film as well.

I personally didn't like the film though. I thought it meandered and didn't have much to say. Not Joan or Clark's best work. I much prefer the two in Dancing Lady. Or even Dance, Fools, Dance.

"You can do anything you set your mind to. Unless Jay Leno wants to do it too."


I think you are giving Greta Garbo too much credit. Joan Crawford was also huge when this film was created. I think the `Garbo-ness' stems from the director, Clarence Brown, making five films starring Greta prior to this one.

The opening sequence of this reminded me of the opening sequence of Magnificent Obsession. Perhaps Douglas Sirk modeled it after this film.
