Public Domain?

Does anyone know if this film is by chance in the public domain in the United States?


It is decidedly NOT in PUBLIC DOMAIN. (g) An occasional film like OLD DARK HOUSE, may show up, but if anything else does, keep your mouth shut about it. Things can literally vanish between the end of one sentence and the beginning of the next.

I do hope he won't upset Henry...


I'm actually unclear on US public domain law. It's possible for something to be taken out of public domain? What is the process for that? (Not a prospective distributor myself, just want to know what can be safely screened for the public, or how likely it is that a film will disappear from PD)


The famous example is Its a Wonderful Life. In the late 70s it was shown on many independent channels then in 84 or so NBC got copyright by way of the film score. Now its shown once at Christmas as a prime time special. It landed in public domain because the production company, Liberty Films, had ceased in '47. Check out IMDb for a more accurate account.
