Russian Rita

Who else found Russian Rita hot and sexy?


I didn't at first, but when she wore THAT dress....let's be honest here, she put Mae West to shame.


Raffaela Ottiano's cleavage was striking in that dress, and she had that long, thick hair.


She truly had an astonishing body! I mean, look at her: qqY/s400/She+Done+Him+Wrong+%281933%29+2.jpg

She is also the only thing that has stayed in my memory from this rather overrated movie.


Indeed, and even Lou seems impressed by Rita's cleavage. Her well-endowed, "S-shaped" figure is memorable for myself as well, and I thank you for the great perspective.


She was 44 when this film was made...she and Mae West were both in their 40s. I'd love to see pics of her when she was in her 20's. I'd wager she turned quite a few heads in her day.

Although it appears that her more manic roles are what she's remembered for, such as the Devil Doll.
