Idiot in my class

I had this guy in all my classes during my senior year of high school (I graduated on May 27th of this year) and throughout this year he said many things about movies that piss me off! Heres a list of all the stupid things he has said.

-Says the Star Wars prequals are BETTER than the original trilogy.

-Says the special effects in the original Star Wars movies suck. When I told him the effects won an academy award he responded with: "Probably just the lightsabers."

-Thinks all Disney movies (or animated movies in general) are for little kids.

-Thinks Lost in Space, Transformers 2, Catwoman (kept going on about how he thought Haley Barey was hot in it), and Batman and Robin are good movies. (BTW he once said the Batman movies suck because they kept changing the actor who played him, he also thinks Robin should be in the Christopher Nolan movies)

-Thinks I hate Spaceballs soley because I love Star Wars and would be offended by it parodying the original movies. (I actually like Spaceballs, but Hardware Wars is my favorite parody)

-One day I was talking with a teacher about how younger people today have no appreciation for older movies and he butted in by saying "Thats because we know whats good!"

-He always refers to movies like Dr.Strangelove, Metropolis, A Clockwork Orange, and a few others. As "movies no-one's ever heard of".

-Thought Gone with the Wind was about a dog.

-When I told him story is more important in a movie than special effects he told me I was crazy.

And the dumbest thing he has ever said is (and I quote):

-"If they remake a movie using today's technolgy it will be BETTER than the original."


I know those really have nothing to do with King Kong, so here a some things he said about that.

-Thinks Peter Jackson's version is better, and when I told him about how Jackson was inspired by it (therefore the remake would not exist without the original) he kept saying "The remake is better!"

-Kept going on about Kong in the '33 version "Looks like a stuffed animal they had do the stuff on the stage."

-When I told him about how no one had seen special effects like the ones in King Kong back in 1933 he said: "Well if you were to take the remake to back then they would be like (proceeds to make faces of exaggerated amazement)"

There you have it. I thought I might as well share my experience with someone so ridiculously uneducated about film.


I wouldn't worry about what idiots think. There is little point in even trying to reason with them.

One day he'll grow up though. Only then will you know if he continues to be an idiot or actually smartens up.


There are all kinds in this world, for good and bad

Oh GOOD!,my dog found the chainsaw


Sometimes you meet trolls in real life. Congratulations on your graduation.


wow,... all those comments piss me off too.... :/

From here, to the eyes and ears of the 'Verse...


Was this a class on historic films?
Because if it was, I hoped he flunked!


My school didn't have any film classes. He was just someone at my school (and every single class I had he was in), and everytime I talked about movies (with anyone) he would make those idiotic comments.



Sounds to me like he's a WUM (Wind-Up Merchant: aka a troll), trying to get a rise out of you. That you felt the need to remember, then write down, all his negative irritating comments and share them with the world shows he succeeded. And this is why he continues to butt in and ridicule your opinions.
If you just ignored his comments, he might eventually realise he's not irking you anymore and find someone else to annoy.
Other than that, think about how to ridicule him back. Whenever he sticks his oar into your conversation about movies, respond with, "This, coming from someone who thinks Disaster Movie* is the greatest movie ever made."

*or 'Sweetie Pie', whichever's worse.


I don't have to worry about him any more I haven't seen him since I graduated. Also I don't think he was trolling he really seamed to think that all these terrible movies were good and all the classic are just "Stupid old movie no one cares about anymore". For example we were playing hang man one day and the phrase I made them guess was "Transformers 2 sucks" when he saw that he got offended by it.



I dont' think of him as a snob, I think of him more as a dumb teenager who doesn't appreciate anything older then he is.



Yeah that seems about right. I actually updated my list to include things he said about the original and its really dumb, and he said one of the dumbest things when I told him about the special effects being revolutionary. But yeah he should respect the original Kong since he always says Peter Jackson's remake was better. He never said Gone with the Wind was a bad movie, since he asked me if it was about a dog that tells me he's never seen it, and given the fact its older then he is he probably never will.



I really don't know if he had it mixed up with that or not. I was talking to one of my teachers about GWTW because I had sold him my blu-ray of it (it was the single disc version and I at the time wanted to get the 3-Disc "Scarlett Edition" which I now have) and he butted in by saying "Ain't that about a dog?" I asked him what and he responded "Gone with the Wind." I don't know why he thought it was about a dog but I corrected him.

And with him liking Peter Jackson's Kong, yes its okay for him to like it over the original but what bugs me is he thinks if they do a remake of a movie it will AUTOMATICALLY be better than the original. He thinks special effects are the most important part of a movie, I told him story was more important and he said "Boy your crazy!"



I think horror movies may be an exception to his "Modern Only!" way of thinking, that and the Die Hard movies, because towards the end of the school year I brought in a bunch of movies to my anatomy class and in my case full of DVDs I had "Jaws" and the first two "Alien" movies (I've actually only seen the first one and still haven't watched the other two) and he wanted to watch one of those. I think he only likes to see people get killed or something.

And with Die Hard I don't remember how the conversation started but I think he may have quoted the movies or something, I mentioned I have never seen them and he told me they were good movies. He began to piss me off though by telling me they came on T.V. all the time, I told him I don't like watching movies on T.V. because, 1.)Commercial breaks, 2.)They cut stuff out, 3.)They're panned and scanned into 4:3. He then responded with "Boy you have no patience!"

He obviously doesn't see film as art, nor knows some people view it a such. Knowing him though he probably thinks "Art" only applies to paintings.

P.S: I know my replys kinda go all over the place but thats how I am when I talk and it seems to spill over to when I'm writing, and if me replying alot is starting to annoy you let me know and I'll stop.



Alright, its just when I'm talking to someone after a little bit I get worried that I'm starting to annoy them but they are to polite to say anything.

Anyway, yeah some people have no respect to others in the theater who do want to watch the movie.

I should say I'm going to college in August and I'm going to be taking film classes, I want to become a director and maybe bring some quality films out of hollywood (hey I can dream can I?). Of course the idiot thinks I shouldn't be a film maker because I wasn't extremly impressed by Avatar.



Its not really a film school. Its just a 2-year college that offers a film major and I figured it would be a good place to start.



I don't know at this point.



Or people will still remember the original but will say the remake is BETTER.



Yep, I remember my class idiot asked one of my teachers if she had seen the Karate Kid remake and he said "It's way better" than the original. He's also wants a sequal to that remake. I thought "Yay an unnecessary sequal to an unnecessary remake." Most teenagers these days seem to think that anything thats older then they are is "Gay" or "Retarded". I remember my class idiot was talking about Godzilla and he said it was "retarded" I asked "Why because its old?" and he said "Yep!"




I am surprised your "class idiot" didn't think GONE WITH THE WIND was about a kite. It is very sad that many people (from all generations) just don't have the admiration for the classic films. If it doesn't have a ton of special effects or isn't a remake then they want nothing to do with it. I am glad that you respect the classics and I hope your film school plans go well. Who knows, you could be the next Kubrick or Romero or Jackson. You give me hope for your generation.

They're us. We're them and they're us.



You know what I think the worst part about remakes is? After it comes out teen or younger audiences seem to completely forget that the original ever existed. Don't believe me? As me and my brother were watching a video called TOP 10 LOST HORROR FILMS and James Rolfe said "When it comes down to classic werewolf movies, the first movie that comes to mind is THE WOLF MAN from 1941." That is when my brother informed me that nobody in his class even knew that the 1941 Wolf man ever existed. I thought to myself, "That is just depressing."

Well I think this James Rolfe guy was wrong.

I think of An American Werewolf in London as the classic werewolf movie of all time. Just because the Wolf Man (1941) was older doesn't mean it's the first one that comes to mind.

I also think Hammer's Curse of the Werewolf (Oliver Reed 1961) is superior to the 1941 Wolf Man.



In my opinion, "The Curse of the Werewolf" has several advantages over "The Wolf Man", such as a more complex story, better character development, and a more fearsome werewolf.

Yup and I think Oliver Reed is better than Lon Chaney Jnr. I dunno why, but Lon Chaney Jnr kind of gets on my nerves in the Wolf Man. I think Oliver Reed pulled off the audience sympathy better and he was darker and more brooding. Well I think Oliver Reed was just a better actor all round. He was fantastic in the musical Oliver. Very convincingly menacing as Bill Sykes.



I'm sure he wasn't trying to imply that.

I think he was trying to imply that the 'old classic' comes first when people think of werewolf movies. I disagree with him. I think more people think of An American Werewolf in London than The Wolf Man 1941.



In some cases, remakes actually do surpass the originals in terms of quality.

I agree. It does happen on occasion. The Thing is superior to The Thing From Another World, for example.



When this conversation happens I just point out that John Huston's 1941 Maltese Falcon was a remake.



"Look! - it's the Invisible Man!"


In fact, it was the third movie version of that book. The 1936 Satan Met a Lady really isn't all that good, despite Bette Davis playing the Brigid role (though that version changed the character names and exactly what the "dingus" was).

His Girl Friday also was a remake of The Front Page, though with the Hildy character changed from a man to a woman, and with the romantic link to Walter added.
