Coming to TCM Jan. 2012

For those who can't afford a Criterion disc, set your DVRs for January 22 at 9:30 PM Central Time on TCM, the best channel on cable, period.


Indeed. They've remained true to their promise to present classic films uncut and commercial free and keep extending their library every year. I love it.

Island of Lost Souls is another great addition for them. I saw it back in October on This TV and was blown away by it. I look forward to hearing what they have to say when it premiers later this month.



The Black Cat is easily my favorite Universal Horror film not to include one of the famous monsters - Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster, etc. It's one of the best films for both Karloff and Lugosi and certainly the best of their many colaborations.

It's also worth noting that the climaxes of the two films, though implied rather than shown, are among the most violent in the 1930s.



Black Cat might be my favorite Universal Horror film period. Definitely in the top 3. Your comments are spot on.


Black Cat is the only movie with Lugosi & Karloff where both got to shine. In their other colaborations one seemed to be the star the other a supporting role.

Yeah, that usually meant Karloff receiving first or second billing and Lugosi playing a comparatively smaller role. In the most extreme cases, Black Friday and The Body Snatcher, Lugosi only had two or three scenes. Ygor from Son of Frankenstein was a good role for Lugosi, but it was still a supporting role for Karloff's Frankenstein monster.

Considering when Island of Lost Souls and The Black Cat were made the themes and plots and actions on and off screen were shocking. Devil worship, bestiality (in a sense), step dads marrieing their daughters etc...

Indeed. Once the Hays Code came about in the mid-30s, films like those were pretty much shut down.

I just noticed today that The Black Cat is showing on TCM before The Island of Lost Souls!!! Now I'm super excited.

Yeah, I didn't know either. That was pretty cool to see them back to back like that. I caught the climax of The Black Cat, then recorded The Island of Lost Souls.


Also, regarding The Island of Lost Souls, it actually has received a DVD release from Criterion Collection. I think the reason that it took so long for the film to receive an official release was due to ownership disputes. Apparently, it's all been settled now.

