
OK Mae WAS over the top! BUT an astute businesswoman, She knew what would make money-and her overwhelming sense of humour made her a lot of money.
The infectious laugh(s) of the black maids were hilarious, very Un PC now, it's what it was for it's time-sheer entertainment, with unparalleled one-liners. GREAT!!


So true! But as another poster on this board indicated, she did treat the maids like 'gal pals' so it did at least depict a more 'equal' social relationship with them.

And, yes, those wonderful one-liners! I really did wonder how some of them made it past the censors of the day...I guess as long as they were double entendre, they slipped by.

‘Six inches is perfectly adequate; more is vulgar!' (Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Re: An open window).


This is one of two Mae West movies that inspired the censors and movie codes.


Mae got a lot by the censors in her first starring films SHE DONE HIM WRONG and I'M NO ANGEL but she was largely responsible for the outcry for more movie censorship because of those movies. Her next several movies had to pass stricter censorship and many wisecracks were deleted from their scripts (although clever Ms. West deliberately put several that were sure not to pass so that some of her others would slip in!)

I'M NO ANGEL by the way was reportedly the #1 moneymaking movie of 1933.
