Did't Understand

Can someone please tell me the meaning behind two of the jokes Ginger Rodgers makes? The line when she says "it must have tough on your mother not having any children" and "is her homework tough", was that line implying she sleeps with a rich man in order to live at such an expensive address?



Thank you so much...I knew the jokes were clever but they just seemed to pass me by...lol...thank you.


My take on the "...and is her homework tough!" line was that she was just putting on airs and gave him a fake address and thus had to do some boning up (homework) to come up with a swanky address. Because if she were a kept woman, (not a hooker, that's a bit strong, that implies a streetwalker) she wouldn't need the job in the first place. Maybe not...

"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!


My take on the "...and is her homework tough!" line was that she was just putting on airs and gave him a fake address

Yes I thought this first, but also like the other explanation too. They both make sence....either way, were some great one liners in this movie.....

Read My Lips!!!!


Absolutely. One of my ALL TIME favorites.

"I told you a million times not to talk to me when I'm doing my lashes"!


Can someone else please answer, since the first answer was deleted!

