MovieChat Forums > Trouble in Paradise (1932) Discussion > your favorite little subtlety in the fil...

your favorite little subtlety in the film?

At the start the title reads just "Trouble in", doesn't show the word "Paradise" and then at the bottom is a bed. It means "Trouble in Bed".

Near the start when the Baron is telling the waiter to "leave", the waiter finds a "leaf", hands it to him.



Not a subtlety maybe but the opening scene where you see the moonlight in Venice and hear the man singing an operatic aria....(someone tell me what he is singing!)...then you see it is a garbageman collecting garbage! Delicious!


Not an operatic aria but a famous italian song: O sole mio


I loved them sitting around reading the newspaper and having breakfast in their pajamas/bathrobes.

I also like the line when he says if he were her father he give her "a good spanking" then pauses and adds in the business sense of course...

Many, many other real gems in this great movie...


Towards the film's end, when Francis' character turns unexpectedly dominatrix!


When she asked where do ladies place their jewellery when in a man's bedroom before stating she's not a lady.

"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".


I loved the butler muttering to himself


Great scene. They continue with her asking him: What would you do if you were my secretary?
And he replies: Then I would give you a good spanking too.
Her: You are hired.


When the two are talking about their plan for the next day. He suggests activities like breakfast, a stroll, lunch, etc. and she adds "together" to the end of each. He then suggests that after lunch they could take a nap. She starts to respond "to-" then stops herself and smiles a little.

"My name is Paikea Apirana, and I come from a long line of chiefs stretching all the way back to the Whale Rider."


I like when Gaston is beginning to make changes after falling in with Mme. Colet, and the cook and chauffeur, etc., say, "Yes, Monsieur La Valle," or "No, Monsieur La Valle,".... Except for the pretty young maid who giggles and says, "Maybe, Monsieur La Valle."


I love when the police first questions Francois Filiba, and the great Edward Everett Horton takes a moment to translate what the man is saying to him, only to give an "oh!" when he realizes he is being questioned in English, only with a strong Italian accent!


When she's having a fake conversation on the phone and it's mentioned that her dog has done something unspeakable, and she says, "give my regards to the duke". I still can't get over that. I absolutely will NEVER get over that.


Near the end, when Lily tosses the 100k on the bed - the film in a nutshell.


