inspiration for The Joker?

doesn't it seem like this movie could have helped inspire the character of The Joker??!? Wow, what a concept.

Who's... laughing... NOW?!? BZZZZZZ (hack hack spurt spurt) HA HA HAAA BZZZZZ HA HA HAAA


No that was the main character in THE MAN WHO LAUGHS who was the inspiration.


Well, Christopher Nolan's Joker anyway.

Our version of The Joker was drawn very much from the earliest of the comics, really the first couple of stories where The Joker appeared. I think I made Jonah watch Fritz Lang’s Dr Mabuse prior to writing the Joker.

Nolan's also listed the movie on his Top Ten favorites list, for what that's worth.

"Away, laddy - or I'll burn you to a crispy noodle!"
