Connections with M?

Since Lohmann crosses over between M and Dr. Mabuse, is it possible that Fritz Lang envisioned a larger cinematic universe for his films? Possibly with Metropolis representing the future of that cinematic universe?


It would be interesting if Lang intended that, but doubtful. I've always read that Lang inserted Lohmann into Testament because audiences liked the character.

Having watched the later Mabuse movies, it's hard to argue even the franchise had a coherent universe. The '60s Mabuses (though ostensibly sequels to 1,000 Eyes) screw up the timeframe by making Lohmann Mabuse's nemesis, even though 1,000 Eyes was clearly set in the same universe as the earlier Mabuses. One, The Terror of Dr. Mabuse, is even a straight remake of Testament. Always bugged me, but then the post-Lang Mabuses are chintzy B Movies, so perhaps to be expected.

I'm afraid that you underestimate the number of subjects in which I take an interest!
